Monday, May 1, 2017


Dear saints at Trinity— Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Wait, it’s still Easter? I thought that was over a few weeks ago? Well, actually, it is still the season of Easter and it will be until Pentecost. It seems strange to me that the world, which is so eager to appropriate Christian holidays and strip them of their meaning, is even more eager to jettison them as soon as absolutely possible. We see this at Christmas, when the decorations and holiday greetings get shoved to the curb as soon as possible (for many folks, December 26th is when Christmas is over and done with for the year). Likewise, as soon as the Sunday of the Resurrection is over, thoughts of Easter get tossed out along with the stale chocolates. I suppose our society does that because we are so very busy throughout the year: holidays, birthdays, vacations, school events, planting, work—and on and on it goes. With that viewpoint on life, no wonder so many want a holiday (Christian or not) to come and then be done and over with so that the next event can be planned out. Certainly you and I are not immune to the pull of this sort of thinking. In contrast to this, consider the pattern of the Church year. Now first of all, let me say that the pattern of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost are not something handed down from on high; that is, nowhere in God’s Word are we commanded to follow the schedule of readings. However, it is indeed “good, right and salutary” that we do follow it, because it helps us cover a large portion of the Bible and all the major teachings we find there. Also, it keeps me from preaching and teaching on my favorite verses and skipping over those difficult subjects. But how might this pattern help us keep from rushing through the year—and our lives? As the pattern of the readings and times of the seasons in the Church flow through the year, they can help us focus on what’s truly important and truly eternal. To use the current season as an example, Easter isn’t one Sunday with a big meal and egg hunt, or even a single Sunday celebration, but seven Sundays of focusing on what our Lord Jesus did for us on the cross and how His resurrection is the guarantee of what He’s promised you in your baptism. This focus is just what we need as Christians in a world hostile to the faith, what with the devil, the world and our flesh fighting against our new nature. This is what we should keep foremost in our hearts and lives: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me” ( I Corinthians 15:3-8). You are who God has declared you to be: His beloved child in Christ Jesus, so let that pattern of the Word fill and shape your life by receiving His gifts to you. So when you feel rushed and harried (or any other unpleasant “go-go-go” word), remember to hear what God has to say to you throughout the year. It’s a message meant for you and all, and it truly is worth listening to. That may be one of the reasons that Church leaders developed the system of readings throughout the year: to build up well-grounded, faithful Christians. Keep that in mind in your own devotions at home and as you take part in Bible studies. And as a faithful, well-grounded Christian, you are free to fulfill the callings our Lord has given you. Pax Xp— Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey, Pastor + + + From the Lutheran Confessions: Solid Declaration XIII.23-27: 23 On account of this personal union and communion of the divine and the human nature in Christ we believe, teach, and confess what is said about the majesty of Christ according to His humanity, according to our simple Christian faith: He sits at the right hand of the almighty power of God. We also confess what ‹follows from that›. All of this would mean nothing and could not stand if this personal union and communion of the natures in the person of Christ did not exist (in deed and truth). 24 On account of this personal union and communion of the natures, Mary, the most blessed Virgin, did not bear a mere man. But, as the angel ‹Gabriel› testifies, she bore a man who is truly the Son of the most high God [Luke 1:35]. He showed His divine majesty even in His mother’s womb, because He was born of a virgin, without violating her virginity. Therefore, she is truly the mother of God and yet has remained a virgin. 25 He did all His miracles by the power of this personal union. He showed His divine majesty, according to His pleasure, when and as He willed. He did this not just after His resurrection and ascension, but also in His state of humiliation. For example: (a) At the wedding at Cana of Galilee [John 2:1–11] (b) When He was twelve years old, among the learned [Luke 2:42–50] (c) In the garden, when with a word He cast His enemies to the ground [John 18:6] (d) In death, when He died not simply as any other man, but in and with His death conquered sin, death, devil, hell, and eternal damnation [Colossians 2:13–15] The human nature alone would not have been able to do these miracles if it had not been personally united and had communion with the divine nature. 26 The human nature, after the resurrection from the dead, is exalted above all creatures in heaven and on earth. This is nothing other than that He entirely laid aside the form of a servant [Philippians 2:7–11]. He did not lay aside His human nature, but retains it to eternity. He has the full possession and use of the divine majesty according to His received human nature. However, He had this majesty immediately at His conception, even in His mother’s womb. As the apostle testifies [Philippians 2:7], He laid it aside. As Dr. Luther explains, He kept it concealed in the state of His humiliation and did not always use it, but only when He wanted to use it [LW 15:291]. 27 Now He has ascended to heaven, not merely as any other saint, but as the apostle testifies [Ephesians 4:10], above all heavens. He also truly fills all things, being present everywhere, not only as God, but also as man. He rules from sea to sea and to the ends of the earth, as the prophets predict [Psalm 8:1, 6; 93:1–4; Zechariah 9:10] and the apostles testify [Mark 16:20]. He did this everywhere with them and confirmed their word with signs. Pax Xp— Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey, Pastor + + + Special Voters’ Meeting April 2, 2017 Don Bowlin called special voters’ meeting to discuss the current issue with our property insurance. Our current insurance company Brotherhood Mutual has raised our deductible to $25000.00 per year. The trustees have looked at a policy with J G Elliott Insurance Company which would be a lower deductible but a higher premium. With much discussion but no decision, it was moved by Gary Williams and second by Joyce Warnke to allow the trustees to come up with the best decision. Carried. The meeting then recessed subject to recall of the chairman. Gerald Ritz, secretary Quarterly Voters’ Meeting April 20, 2017 April’s Voters’ meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Bowlin with Pastor Humphrey giving the opening devotion. The minutes from the January quarterly meeting and 1 special meeting of April 2 were read and approved. The treasurer’s report had some questions and discussion by members, but was approved as read. Pastor’s report: Pastor reported the Spring Pastors’ Conference will be May 8-10 in Laramie. There will be a Continuing Education Conference in Jackson on June 5-9. He requested some vacation time for June 19-27. Pastor Found can fill in. The spring LWML Christian Growth Conference will be in Gordon on April 29. Elders’ report: Lloyd and Nelda Peterson have requested a transfer to Our Savior in Torrington. It was moved by Gary Williams, second by Elmer Wohl to grant this transfer. Carried. It was moved by Gary Williams, second by Manuel Strauch to accept Burke Schneider and Riley Kaufman as communicant members. A motion was made by Wes Bowlin, second by Elmer Wohl to allow Pastor to attend the continuing education class at Jackson on June 5-9. Carried. It was moved by Gary Williams, second by Jim Swenson to grant Pastor vacation time June 19-27. Carried. Trustees’ report: Virgil Ritz reported that the trustees best price for church insurance was from J G Elliott Insurance, underwriters for Guide One Insurance Company and the premium would be $6,705.00 annually with a $10,000.00 deductible. It was moved by Virgil Ritz, second by Wes Bowlin to accept this offer. Carried. Pastor stated that there are a few plumbing problems in the parsonage and the trustees said he could call a plumber and work out the time. Levi Bowlin brought up the subject of our agent for the Nebraska Non-Profit organization and since Jerry Dillman is currently listed, it was decided to leave his name listed as our agent. Gary Williams stated he has re-stained the cedar fence. Virgil reported the refrigerator in the utility room is taking up space and is no longer needed. S.S.Supt: Pastor reported they are still considering VBS for 1 day. Old Business: Don Bowlin stated Bonnie Anderson has agreed to chair the garage sale, but after some discussion it was decided to skip this year. New Business: Pastor reported that Virginia Engebretsen would like to retire if we can find a replacement. There being no other business to discuss, the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Gerald Ritz, secretary + + + The National LWML 37th bi-annual convention will be held in Albuquerque June 22-25 with the theme “Jesus Christ Above All”. The Wyoming District LWML is hosting this convention along with surrounding districts and help is needed from Wyoming District attendees. If you are interested in going to the convention, talk to Melvina or Lisa for details. Summer camp is not too far off. Remember, if your child is attending a LCMS church camp or church function, Trinity Women’s Society has “campships” available to help pay expenses. See any LWML member for details. Trinity Lutheran Women’s Society invites all the women of our congregation to come as our guest. May 10 from 6-8pm at Mia Casa Restaurant, Morrill. Join us for fellowship and a short program on the mission work of LWML RSVP to 247-2432. + + + The Let Us Pray for....Synod: pastors and congregations, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, and auxiliaries; LCMS President Matthew Harrison, 1st V-Pres. Rev. Herb Mueller, Wyoming District President John Hill, 1st Vice President Richard Neugebauer, Pine Ridge Circuit Visitor Rev. Richard Mueller, Pastor Kenneth Humphrey; The Nation and those in Authority over us: the President, and Congress, the Governor and Legislature of Nebraska, all who make, administer, and judge our laws, all who serve in public office, our community, those who have not heard the Gospel, those who are persecuted for the faith; Members of Trinity: Clancy Anderson, Rudy Landreth, Mike Hort, Helen Engebretsen, Sharon Schledewitz, Katie Wilhelm, Jerry Dillman, Betty Batt, John Jochem, Bob Schledewitz, Lydia Dillman, Jean Strauch, Mike Strauch, Charlotte Herrell, Sharon Huber, our youth and catechumens, and our absent brothers and sisters in Christ; Our Servicemen: Jordon Frieb and Courtney Burrill (relatives of Herrell’s); Friends and family members in their time of need: Jason & Heather Painter (Hendren), Phyllis Gernant (Humphrey), Levi Crowe (Hartwig), Vicki Pfortmiller (Freel), Bobby Williams (Williams), Douglas Vaughn (Freel), Glen Jochem, Todd Wilson, Connie Mathson, Julie Pierantoni (Warnke), Denise Blasias (Hartwig), Breanna Lovell (Holthus), Jeanne Siegel (Siegel); Wyoming District & LCMS friends: Joan Stratman, Krista Grams (St John’s, Scottsbluff), Rev. Shawn J. Found, Rev. Lynn Christensen (Navy Chaplain from WY District), Zion (Laramie, WY), Trinity (Riverton, WY), Trinity (Rock Springs, WY). TO ADD OR REMOVE A PRAYER REQUEST, PLEASE SEE PASTOR OR VIRGINIA. PLEASE REMEMBER THE INDIVIDUALS LISTED ABOVE IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS. + + + + + + Membership changes at Trinity: Carrizales, Alivia baptism Carrizales, Katelin baptism Jean Borland death Don Herrell death Riley Kaufman confirmation Burke Schneider confirmation Lloyd Peterson transferred out Nelda Peterson transferred out + + +