Monday, July 10, 2017


Truly Free in Christ St. Paul wrote to the Christians in Galatia “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). While we gear up to mark our nation’s independence (stock up on brats and chips, find a good place to lock up the dog when the fireworks start going off, etc.), I would submit to you that there is an even greater freedom that you and I enjoy. Don’t get me wrong: the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of a free republic are to be treasured and fought for if necessary. Indeed, many have fought and died so that we could continue to experience the liberties that so many around the world can only dream of. Indeed, the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution are one of the great blessings that our gracious Lord has bestowed on us in this land. So what is even greater than the freedom we have in America? It is, of course, the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. St. Paul needed to write the letter he did because the Galatian Church was falling back into a “yoke of slavery;” that is, they were turning away from Christ and back to a law which added restrictions and requirements to the finished work of Christ. Can you imagine the American colonists, having won a hard-fought victory over the British Empire and the capricious rule of King George, then established a form of government which sent “swarms of officers” to “eat out our sustenance”? Hmm, that illustration may be getting a little too close for comfort—let’s move on. The apostle’s point is that Jesus has done all for us on the cross, as so all in Christ are truly free. Why then would we want slavery again? John 8:31-36 reads “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, ‘If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ They answered him, ‘We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, “You will become free”?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’” You and I were slaves, but now we are free. We have been set free by the Son, and therefore we are free indeed. Keep those thoughts foremost in your minds as you celebrate and give thanks for the freedom we have in this nation, knowing that our Lord has given us both. Christ’s blessings to you— Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey, Pastor + + + Of Sabbaths and Sundays By Dr. Peter Scaer, CTSFW The whole Sabbath Day thing can be confusing. The Seventh Day Adventists illustrate the problem. They believe that the Sabbath Day law, given to the Jews, applies today. So, they worship on Saturday, the seventh day (which is what Sabbath means), and chastise those who do not. In as much as they worship on Saturday, all is fine. In as much as they cast judgment on those who worship on Sunday, they must be admonished and resisted. (Though, I know other Christian churches who cannot afford a sanctuary, and worship at the Adventist facilities on Sunday. So, God works in strange and humorous ways.) Christians traditionally worship on Sunday, the eighth day, the Day of the Lord, and the day of the resurrection. This is not a Christian Sabbath, per se, and is not a law, though it is a salutary practice. We set Sunday aside, and are wise to do so, as it allows time and space for worship. This is not the same thing as the OT Sabbath, in that we do so freely. Now, this is helpful to think about, especially with our worship wars. It is a matter of wisdom that we set Sunday aside, but it is no law. But because it is not a law, does not mean that we should be so foolish as to cast it aside. We have set aside Sunday for good reason. In celebration of the resurrection, and as day set aside, each week, for the Lord. What does that mean? We should not chastise anyone for playing soccer on Sunday morning. At least not those of the world. As Christians, though, we do well to resist. This is a matter of priorities. We may say that we can worship on another day, but it rarely works that way. Sunday is a routine or habit in the best sense of the word, and, in wisdom, we do well to guard our Sunday mornings. As a matter of practice, when it comes to Sunday morning sports, we as Christians should, in wisdom, just say no. Again, not as a law, but as a mean to establish priorities. Those who set aside the rest of the day for family do well, though not as a law. What is the true meaning of the Sabbath? The OT Sabbath celebrated God's work of creation, and his resting on the 7th Day. And we do well to remember the Lord's work. But it was a law, as such for the Jewish people. But the true meaning of the Sabbath is found in Christ, who is our Sabbath rest. Christ is the one who invites us to rest, that our souls might find repose, in him. In a restless world, we find peace in and only in Christ, who gives rest to our troubled conscience, and peace to our confused minds. Christ fulfilled the Sabbath completely, in that dying on the cross, he himself rested in the tomb all the Sabbath Day. And on the eighth day ,the first day of the new creation, he rose from the tomb. This eighth day, the first day of the new creation, is not the Christian Sabbath, but it a day to which we freely obligate ourselves to celebrate Christ who is our Sabbath. Again, if essential work keeps us away on Sunday, and we worship on Monday, all is good. This is not a law. But it is wisdom, and when we come together on a Sunday morning, it is a mutual covenant of love, when we as Christians encourage one another in the true faith, find rest in Christ, hear his Word, receive the food of his Supper, and all that it means to be in Christ. As Christ himself is our Sabbath rest, we are reminded that in church, we do give praise to God, but the main action comes from God himself, who gives to us, and strengthens and forgives us. As for blue laws, they have served a purpose. Liquor stores closed on Sunday. Eh. Maybe. But that's not the real issue. But whatever is keeping us from church must be cast aside. Whatever would make our church attendance sporadic needs to be dealt with. Whatever we do, going to church is the key, the bottom line. This I say not as a law, but as a fact. For where our treasure is, there also is our heart. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the rest will take care of itself. + + + Lander Camp! Rev. Kevin Rose, camp dean, will be talking about Noah, the Flood and fossils this year. WHEN: Sunday, August 6 – Thursday, August 10 Check-in begins at 3:00 pm Sunday; Camp closes at 10:00 am Thursday. WHERE: Fremont County Youth Camp in the mountains above Sinks Canyon, Lander Wyoming. WHO: All youth who are 10-18 years old. COST: $85 if postmarked between June 3, 2017 and July 7, 2017; $100 if postmarked after July 7, 2017. All costs are per camper and include a T-shirt unless your payment is postmarked after July 14, 2017. Lander Youth Camp info and registration forms are available at church or on the District website: Summer camp is not too far off. Remember, if your child is attending a LCMS church camp or church function, Trinity Women’s Society has “campships” available to help pay expenses. See any LWML member for details. Sunday school will start summer lessons next week—mostly video stories. See you there. There are lots of vases and dishes (left here from recent funerals and dinners) in the kitchen to be claimed and returned home. Please take the time to retrieve your belongings from the counters and table in the kitchen. Thank you. VBS will take place on Saturday, July 8th this year—tentatively from 10 AM to 3 PM. If you would be willing to help out in any way (lessons, crafts, music, food, etc.) please let pastor know. More details will be coming soon. There is a new way to help Trinity financially for those who shop at Amazon: do your shopping at and they will donate 0.5% of the total to Trinity Lutheran. There is no extra cost added to your purchases, so this is a simple way to send a little extra money to the church. You can find us by searching "Trinity Lutheran Morrill," at the website, or type this address in your browser: + + + Membership changes at Trinity: Sharon Huber new address and contact info: 1225 12th Street, Apt. 3F Gering, NE 69341 Home: 308-633-3648 Cell: 308-631-1797 + + + The Let Us Pray for....Synod: pastors and congregations, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, and auxiliaries; LCMS President Matthew Harrison, 1st V-Pres. Rev. Herb Mueller, Wyoming District President John Hill, 1st Vice President Richard Neugebauer, Pine Ridge Circuit Visitor Rev. Richard Mueller, Pastor Kenneth Humphrey; The Nation and those in Authority over us: the President, and Congress, the Governor and Legislature of Nebraska, all who make, administer, and judge our laws, all who serve in public office, our community, those who have not heard the Gospel, those who are persecuted for the faith; Members of Trinity: Clancy Anderson, Rudy Landreth, Mike Hort, Helen Engebretsen, Sharon Schledewitz, Katie Wilhelm, Jerry Dillman, Betty Batt, John Jochem, Bob Schledewitz, Lydia Dillman, Jean Strauch, Mike Strauch, Charlotte Herrell, Sharon Huber, our youth and catechumens, and our absent brothers and sisters in Christ; Our Servicemen: Jordon Frieb and Courtney Burrill (relatives of Herrell’s); Friends and family members in their time of need: Linda Stetson (Engebretsen), Joyce Herrell (Herrell), Phyllis Gernant (Humphrey), Levi Crowe (Hartwig), Vicki Pfortmiller (Freel), Bobby Williams (Williams), Douglas Vaughn (Freel), Glen Jochem, Todd Wilson, Connie Mathson, Julie Pierantoni (Warnke), Denise Blasias (Hartwig), Breanna Lovell (Holthus); Wyoming District & LCMS friends: Joan Stratman, Krista Grams (St John’s, Scottsbluff), Rev. Shawn J. Found, Rev. Lynn Christensen (Navy Chaplain from WY District), Zion (Laramie, WY), Trinity (Riverton, WY), Trinity (Rock Springs, WY), Rev Ralph Morris. TO ADD OR REMOVE A PRAYER REQUEST, PLEASE SEE PASTOR OR VIRGINIA. PLEASE REMEMBER THE INDIVIDUALS LISTED ABOVE IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS. + + + ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN NEWS Peru Relations Being Established Tessa Nelson on 06/16/2017 OGT is excited to be building relations with the country of Peru through Rolando Luna who was raised in Peru and currently lives in Sioux City, Iowa. Rolando knows the conditions and need for humanitarian aid and food in regions of Peru. OGT’s President Pastor Wilke and VP Grant Schmidt are currently in Peru with Rolando to see what OGT can do to help families in need, rural schools and clinics. Pictured L-R – Grant Schmidt, Rosa Gonzales; interpreter, Rolando Luna, Pastor Wilke and Doug Sunderman; OGT board member are in front of Presidential Palace in Lima, Peru. Meals, Books and Beds Delivered in Manila Tessa Nelson on 06/08/2017 A shipment for Kids International Ministries (KIM) was cleared and unloaded in Manila recently. The inventory included 142,560 Mercy Meals, school books, sewing machines, and twin beds with mattresses. The meals will be used at their orphanage, school and feeding programs. The beds will be used by the children in the orphanage and the books at their school. The sewing machines will be given to Rose Jones to use in her sewing school for young women to learn a trade to support themselves. What wonderful blessings helping so many living in poverty. The pictures are of unloading the shipment. OGT is Full Steam Ahead Tessa Nelson on 06/02/2017 OGT’s 2016-17 Fiscal Year (FY) ended yesterday, May 31 and we have some exciting numbers to announce with International Shipments! Orphan Grain Train had 107 international shipments, up from last year of 90 shipments. These are all paid for by contributions from our generous donors. It is truly amazing the increase in shipments and our ability to pay for all of those. FY 2013-14 OGT had 83 shipments, 20 of those were government funded. 2014-15 OGT had 74 shipments, 2 of which were government funded. 2015-16 we had 90 international shipments, all funded by donations and then this year 107. Some of the countries shipped to included Zambia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Romania, Kenya, Republic of Georgia and Greece which all received 2 shipments each. Others that include more than 2 shipments are Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, Haiti, Philippines, Lithuania, Nicaragua, Panama, Ghana and India. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers and generous donors for making it possible for OGT to ship food and humanitarian aid across seas. We could not change lives worldwide if it wasn’t for YOU! If you would like to donate to these causes or other projects of OGT, please mail your check to Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train 601 W. Phillip Ave. PO Box 1466 Norfolk, NE 68702 Phone (402) 371-7393 Toll Free (877) 371-7393 - Fax (402) 371-7350 E-mail