Monday, April 10, 2017


Dear friends in Christ: With Holy Week fast approaching, we naturally think on our Lord’s Passion. When we consider all He suffered on our behalf, perhaps our minds are drawn to the words of the Apostles’ Creed which simply say “He descended into hell.” All sorts of things pop into our minds when we read that, and we wonder exactly what that means. The Epitome of the Formula of Concord addressed the issue in article IX; this article attests that Christ descended into hell to proclaim and announce His victory over sin, death, and the devil; not as part of His atonement for the sins of the world. It put an end to the squabbling that had arisen among Lutherans over the meaning of Christ’s descent to hell, and it based its conclusions on one of Luther’s sermons discussing this issue. 1 This article has also been disputed among some theologians who have subscribed to the Augsburg Confession: When and in what manner did the Lord Christ, according to our simple Christian faith, descend to hell? Was this done before or after His death? Did this happen only to His soul, only to the divinity, or with body and soul, spiritually or bodily? Does this article belong to Christ’s passion or to His glorious victory and triumph? 2 This article, like the preceding article, cannot be grasped by the senses or by our reason. It must be grasped through faith alone. Therefore, it is our unanimous opinion that there should be no dispute over it. It should be believed and taught only in the simplest way. 3 Teach it like Dr. Luther, of blessed memory, in his sermon at Torgau in the year 1533 [WA 37:62–67]. He has explained this article in a completely Christian way. He separated all useless, unnecessary questions from it, and encouraged all godly Christians to believe with Christian simplicity. 4 It is enough if we know that Christ descended into hell, destroyed hell for all believers, and delivered them from the power of death and of the devil, from eternal condemnation and the jaws of hell. We will save our questions ‹and not curiously investigate› about how this happened until the other world. Then not only this ‹mystery›, but others also will be revealed that we simply believe here and cannot grasp with our blind reason. In other words, brothers and sisters, you can ask God precisely what happened when you see Him. Pax Xp— Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey, Pastor + + + What Do You Want: Grace or What’s Fair? In the gospel reading for the 4th Sunday in Lent from John 9, we heard again the story of blind Bartimaeus. Blind from birth, the disciples saw him and asked Jesus “Who sinned—this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” The disciples’ question is in keeping with the world’s understanding of things: if you do bad things, then bad things will happen to you. The corollary becomes a truism as well: if bad things happen to you, you must’ve done something bad. I suppose there’s a kernel of truth in that way of thinking; that is, if someone treats others poorly and is abusive, they’re much less likely to receive help in their time of need from those they’ve abused: “Stay away from that guy—he’s a bully and will stick a knife in your back the first chance he gets!” However, that’s not what was going on when the disciples asked that question of Jesus. Nevertheless, we see it in play all the time. Do you ever hear people talk about “karma”? It’s pretty popular in modern America. That’s the Buddhist and Hindu notion that the sum of a person's actions in this and his “previous states of existence” decide his fate in future existences. Now it’s a lot more complicated than that, but often it gets boiled down to seeing the universe as some gigantic zero-sum game wherein you get what you deserve. If I’m rude to the checkout clerk at Menard’s, I’ll might get a flat tire on the way home—that sort of thing. That way of thinking isn’t limited to Jesus’ still-learning disciples or to Eastern religions, either. Think of Job; his friend Eliphaz told him to “Remember: who that was innocent ever perished? Or where were the upright cut off? As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same. By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of his anger they are consumed” (Job 4:7-9). Essentially, Eliphaz is saying “What did you do to tick off God so much that this happened to you, Job? Everybody knows that bad things happen to bad people.” But our Lord Jesus doesn’t work that way. You’ll remember what He told the disciples: “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). This, and it’s parallel passages aren’t the only places Jesus speaks this way. Luke 13:1-5 reads “There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, ‘Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.’” The universe is not a zero-sum game where we get out exactly what we put in. In Christ Jesus, we don’t get what’s “fair” in life. I can speak truthfully when I say that I have sinned deeply enough and often enough that “fair” would be that God killed my body and sent my soul to hell many times over—that would be “fair.” And you, as honorable as you are, deserve the very same thing. None of us keep the Law in thought, word, and deed, and so we are deserving of God’s wrath. Friends, this is the whole point of Holy week: we don’t get what we deserve, we don’t get what’s fair, we don’t get our karmic comeuppance. No, we get God’s undeserved favor; His grace. We are free in Christ Jesus because, and only because, He took on all of our sin and wretchedness and carried them to Calvary’s tree. There, they died with Him and when He rose victorious from the grave on that first Easter Sunday, His righteousness is credited to us. You are clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ; you are washed clean in the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. That’s why we rejoice at Easter; that’s why every Sunday is a little Easter. We are at peace with God—and that’s is something to rejoice over! Pax Xp— Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey, Pastor + + + From Rev. Jonathan Lange, Wyoming District Life Issues Coordinator: Since antiquity, Christians have observed a trinity of occasions on March 25: the Creation of Adam, the Annunciation, and the Crucifixion. 1) Adam was formed from the dust to be the crown of all creation (Genesis 1:26). 2) the Son of God was planted in the womb of the Virgin to assume the dust that formed Adam. 3) Jesus was planted in the earth itself to restore the entire creation. (Romans 8:22). All of this is God's answer to Ash Wednesday's solemn reminder: "Remember, O man, that Thou art dust." God made this dust His very own in order to redeem it from the curse of Abel's blood. All this stands in stark contrast to the neo-paganism of our day. It preaches that man is the scourge of the earth, not the crown that makes it "very good." It seeks to hinder and destroy any further instances of conception and motherhood. Its program of salvation is to minimize man's footprint on the planet. Make no mistake. Today's clash between good and evil, is about the True Lord, and Giver of Life. We honor human life, thank God for the Virgin Mother, and trust in the One who willingly gives Himself into death. + + + Council Meeting February 16, 2017 The February Council Meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Bowlin. Pastor Humphrey gave a short devotion. The minutes of the November Council meeting were read and approved. The treasurers report was given by Levi Bowlin and approved as read. Pastor’s report: Pastor stated that due to health issues he has been asked to fill in for Pastor Morris for 2 weeks. Lenten Services will be gin with Ash Wednesday Mach 1. Confirmation for Burke and Riley will be Palm Sunday, April 9. He encouraged kids and grands kids to come to Sunday School as attendance has been very lax. Elders’ report: no report Trustees’ report: Keith Kaufman stated nothing has been done as of now about church insurance. S.S.Supt: Pastor reported for Roxane that they are considering VBS to be for 1 day, possibly a Saturday. Old Business: none New Business: none With no other business to discuss, the meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Gerald Ritz, secretary Council Meeting March 16, 2017 Chairman Don Bowlin call the March Council meeting to order with Pastor giving the opening devotion. The minutes of the February Council meeting were approved as read. The treasurer’s report given by Levi Bowlin was approved as read. Pastor’s report: Pastor stated that Dr. Matt Harrison will be speaking at Our Savior’s Lutheran in Cheyenne on March 19th. He will speak on Luther’s last year. Reminded that Easter Sunday is April 16th with Easter Sunrise Service at St James at 6:30 am The spring Pastors’ Conference will be in Laramie, May 8-10. He read a letter from our District President John Hill which stated the 2017 District Budget was set for $883,162.00. Elders’ report: Elmer Wohl reported that Alivia and Katilyn Carrizales were baptized on February 25th and that Jean Borland’s funeral will be March 20th. Trustees’ report: Jim Swenson reported the trustees will be meeting J G Elliott Ins to discuss church Ins. He also stated he will contact Castro to replace some shingles which blew off. S.S.Supt: Roxane Humphrey reported they are checking on a date for VBS. Old Business: none New Business: none There being no other business to discuss, the meeting closed by reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Gerald Ritz, secretary + + + Pine Ridge LWML Zone Christian Growth Workshop will be Saturday, April 29, 2017 ay Grace, Gordon, NE. + + + The Let Us Pray for....Synod: pastors and congregations, schools, colleges, universities, seminaries, and auxiliaries; LCMS President Matthew Harrison, 1st V-Pres. Rev. Herb Mueller, Wyoming District President John Hill, 1st Vice President Richard Neugebauer, Pine Ridge Circuit Visitor Rev. Richard Mueller, Pastor Kenneth Humphrey; The Nation and those in Authority over us: the President, and Congress, the Governor and Legislature of Nebraska, all who make, administer, and judge our laws, all who serve in public office, our community, those who have not heard the Gospel, those who are persecuted for the faith; Members of Trinity: Don Herrell family on his death, Clancy Anderson, Lloyd Peterson, Helen Engebretsen, Sharon Schledewitz, Katie Wilhelm, Jerry Dillman, Betty Batt, John Jochem, Bob Schledewitz, Lydia Dillman, Jean Strauch, Mike Strauch, Charlotte Herrell, Sharon Huber, our youth and catechumens, and our absent brothers and sisters in Christ; Our Servicemen: Jordon Frieb and Courtney Burrill (relatives of Herrell’s); Friends and family members in their time of need: Denis Koster (Herrell), Jason & Heather Painter (Hendren), Phyllis Gernant (Humphrey), Levi Crowe (Hartwig), Vicki Pfortmiller (Freel), Bobby Williams (Williams), Douglas Vaughn (Freel), Glen Jochem, Todd Wilson, Connie Mathson, Julie Pierantoni (Warnke), Denise Blasias (Hartwig), Breanna Lovell (Holthus), Jeanne Siegel (Siegel); Wyoming District & LCMS friends: Joan Stratman, Krista Grams (St John’s, Scottsbluff), Rev. Shawn J. Found, Rev. Lynn Christensen (Navy Chaplain from WY District), Zion (Laramie, WY), Trinity (Riverton, WY), Trinity (Rock Springs, WY). TO ADD OR REMOVE A PRAYER REQUEST, PLEASE SEE PASTOR OR VIRGINIA. PLEASE REMEMBER THE INDIVIDUALS LISTED ABOVE IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS. + + + ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN NEWS Passing the Thank You on to You Tessa Nelson on 03/06/2017 OGT's Grant Schmidt VP of Operations received this email "thank you" message from Sandra Koch of Help For Haiti (HFH). OGT's ability to help the desperate children and people is because of all the amazing support from our donors and volunteers. OGT would like to pass this "Thank You" onto you! Grant, I feel I need to express the gratitude we have towards OGT. We are seeing increased desperation for food and real struggling, near death in some cases, but we have food, beans, vegetables, clothing, sleep mats in our depots from OGT, so when there is a need, we can open a depot and give that person something. Each Wed (9-11am) We give out food, supplies to over 75 handicapped. We gave each a HFH card and they can come every Wed. Then on Thurs. we do the same but for over 135 elderly and pregnant women. We do have to pay a policeman each day to be there because we were having riots of people with NO CARDS wanting food. Today we had a young girl come to pick up food for her grandmother. She got her grandmother’s allocated food, then she passed out before she left the gate. We revived her, gave her water and a peanut butter sandwich. We found out she HAD NOT EATEN IN THREE DAYS. Her parents died. She and her five brothers & sisters lived with her grandmother who was sick. She said she was going crazy because she did not know what to do. We gave her a second card--one for herself so she can pick up double food each week and that will help. Then the policeman brought a woman and her little girl with him today and asked us to help the lady. Her husband had gone crazy, destroyed the house and left her destitute with 5 children. The policeman found her rummaging through the filthy garbage heaps with the pigs, looking for food to eat. Again, we were able to give her food and a HFH card so she can come back every Thurs. and receive food and in this case-- she needs clothing. We have about a dozen young mothers, so skinny, who come with their babies each week to get food. So without the help from OGT, these people would continue to suffer and....... possibly worse. With sincere thanks Sandra Sandra Koch Help For Haiti Inc Pasture Fencing and Hay on its Way Tessa Nelson on 03/22/2017 Recent prairie fires swept through large areas of Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, and the results were disastrous. Buildings, homes, and pasture fences were destroyed and Orphan Grain Train can help. OGT is in the process of accepting semi-loads of donated hay as well as locating truckers with the proper equipment for hauling hay. As this portion of the relief effort takes shape, we will share the generously donated hay with those who lost their livestock forage because of the fires. In order to help reduce the cost of rebuilding pasture fencing, Orphan Grain Train has already purchased two semi-trailer loads of high quality fencing. The first load of 22 pallets of pasture fencing arrived for the farmers affected by the prairie fires near Haxtun, CO. Each of the 22 pallets contains 27 rolls of fencing with each roll costing OGT $59.00. If you would like to help donate towards the cost of purchasing the pasture fencing for the farmers please make your checks payable to: Orphan Grain Train/Domestic Disaster P.O. Box 1466 Norfolk, NE 68702 You can also contribute to the Domestic Disaster by clicking on the Donate Now button. We appreciate your support of the relief efforts for the farmers that have lost so much in these tremendous prairie fires. The picture is of the prairie fencing being delivered to the Norfolk warehouse then loaded and transported to farmers in Haxtun, Colorado where a Cattleman’s association will be responsible for final distribution. The destination for the second load is Ashland, Kansas and will be distributed in a similar fashion. It is only through the generosity of our supporters that Orphan Grain Train is able to provide this much-needed relief. We are grateful. If you would like to donate to this urgent cause, please mail your check to Orphan Grain Train P.O. Box 1466 Norfolk, NE 68702 or donate online to Orphan Grain Train 601 W. Phillip Ave. PO Box 1466 - Norfolk, NE 68702 Phone (402) 371-7393 Toll Free (877) 371-7393 - Fax (402) 371-7350 E-mail