Wednesday, August 19, 2020

August 2020 Newsletter

 Sorry this posting is a little late!


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: this month’s newsletter contains a number of articles which are most definitely worth your time to read, and I urge you to do so and to forward them to others. There are a number of important and edifying topics in this newsletter for us to consider.

      The one item of importance from me this month is that confirmation class is resuming; if you have any children or grandchildren which would benefit from catechetical instruction, please let me know—and please keep our youth in your prayers as they study the faith in a world that is increasingly hostile to the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus.


August Every Day Faith

By Kyla RodriguezNavigating the world of parenting can often feel like running a gauntlet. How to birth your child, feed your child, and help her sleep; what he should play with and read; the daily schedule; clothing choices, schooling choices ... the list of opinions and “best practices” in these areas are daunting and often discouraging.               

One of my favorite aspects of God’s Word is the way that it shapes my parenting. There are many, many challenges of parenthood that you cannot be prepared for ahead of time, and yet every time I turn to Scripture, I find hope, encouragement, and insight that guides our family’s day-to-day life. God’s Word gives me a lens and a foundation as I navigate parenthood.

Difficult Developmental Seasons   My own children are currently toddler age, which means our household is in a season when little people are figuring out how to interact with the world on their own terms. We are past the newborn and baby days of constant nap- and feeding-schedule adjustments and are almost past teething, but that has dumped us right into potty training, time-outs, and big feelings about everything. 

As my husband and I continue to navigate how to best help our children interact with other people, we return again and again to the framework found in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23).

Fruit of the Spirit   Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I have yet to face a situation with my toddlers when we could not discuss a behavior using this set of vocabulary.

 When a toy is grabbed away without asking, we talk about self-control, patience, and kindness. When the silverware is put away from the dishwasher, we talk about faithfulness and love. Using the fruit of the Spirit as ongoing vocabulary that we measure our actions against also helps me segue into opportunities to remind my children (and myself) of their Baptisms.

Reminded of Our Need  In times when we are struggling with patience and gentleness, we are reminded of why we need the Spirit to be at work. Left to our own sinful tendencies, things would get and stay pretty ugly. In times when we are celebrating kind or self-controlled actions, we are humbly reminded that our ability to act in that way comes through the work of the Holy Spirit.

   The fruit of the Spirit gives our family a common language and framework to use as we navigate toddlerhood and parenthood together. Reminding one another of our Baptisms allows confession and forgiveness to be spoken more easily.

   As you continue to navigate your own season of parenting, be encouraged by God’s faithfulness. In His Word, you will find truth and a firm foundation to hold you up as you discern the many choices and circumstances you face each day.


June 18, 2020 Council Meeting

 Called to Order: 7:09pm

 The June Council Meeting was called to order by Elder Levi Bowlin. Pastor Humphrey read the Treasure’s report. 

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Humphrey reported he purchased a streaming video camera for use in services and meetings, and the LWML has said they will subsidize the purchase cost. He reports the parsonage is having some water leak into the basement storage room, the crabapple tree has lost a few more branches and may need removed, and the garden shed has wood rot and may need repairs and painting. He also notes the handrail on the back stairs of the parsonage is worn out and in need of repair. Pastor reports he has looked briefly at the rehab grants available through the Village of Morrill and does not believe that Trinity qualifies. He reports Thursday Morning Bible Study has resumed, and is planning to resume Sunday Morning Bible Study as well.

Upcoming events include Wyoming District LWML convention on June 20, 9-1:30; Trinity’s LWML will meet in parish hall. The Men’s Retreat is June 26-28 at Lion’s Club Camp on Casper Mt. Lander Youth Camp is August 2-6, youth 10-18 are encouraged to attend, and counselors are needed.

No New business was addressed.

The meeting closed with Lord’s Prayer;

Adjourn: 7:40pm

Levi Bowlin, Elder

July 16, 2020 Voters’ Meeting

 Called to Order: 7:02pm


The July Voters' Meeting was called to order by Elder Don Bowlin.  Pastor Humphrey led an opening devotion from Ruth chapter 1. The minutes of the May Voters’ meeting were read and approved, with the clarification that Pastor Humphrey will be on vacation from August 10-17 and Pastor Found will be covering service on August 16.  The Treasurer’s Report was read by Julie Alkire. A motion was made by Rudy and seconded by Gerald to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion carried.

Trustees Report: Jim reports Castro roofing has assessed the roof of the church.

Elder’s Report: No information to report this date per Don Bowlin.

Sunday School Report: Melvina reports Kylee and Zandee are preparing to resume Sunday School in the near future, presumably August.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Humphrey reports he has gotten the issues of the video streaming worked out. He reports the parsonage is having some water leak into the basement storage room, the crabapple tree has lost a few more branches and may need removed, and the garden shed has wood rot and may need repairs and painting. He also notes the handrail on the back stairs of the parsonage is worn out and in need of repair. He reports he has been in contact with 2nd VP Rev. Ted Bourret, who has said Trinity may appoint a new Chairman with approval of the Voter’s Assembly, to cover the remainder of the term.

Pastor reports that both Thursday and Sunday Morning Bible Studies have resumed and encourages all who can to attend. Pastor reports upcoming events include Lander youth camp August 2-6, youth 10-18 are encouraged to attend. He also notes that the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education just wrapped up its annual conference in Casper at Mount Hope. Videos are available online:

Old Business: Melvina reports she found some maps or schematics of wiring and sewage lines for the church, and would like to have Trinity keep them. It was decided to keep them in the church safe.

New Business: Virgil Ritz volunteered to take the vacant Chairman position, and a motion was made by Rudy and 2nd by Susan to nominate Virgil Ritz as Chairman. The motion carried. The Chairman asked for volunteers to form a committee to look into a celebration in 2021 for the 75th anniversary of Trinity. Elmer, Wes and Virgil volunteered for said committee. The Chairman reports he will be appointing a nominating committee before the October Voter’s Meeting.

With no further business to address a motion was made by Don B. and seconded by Rudy to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.


Adjourned: 7:35pm

John Bowlin


August 1                                  Bruce and Debra Schneider                            Anniversary

August 2                                  Harlan Kurtz                                                   Baptismal date

August 13                                Don and Barb Bowlin                                     Anniversary

August 17                                Karissa Bowlin                                               Birthday

August 19                                Gary and Susan Williams                                Anniversary

August 19                                ZanDee Hendren                                            Birthday

August 21                                Leo Jayne                                                        Birthday

August 24                                Amanda Landreth                                           Birthday

August 24                                Rudy & Patty Landreth                                  Anniversary

August 28                                Kenny and ZanDee Hendren                          Anniversary

August 28                                Ryker Bowlin                                                  Birthday


LWML Corner


1. Next meeting is Sunday, September 13 a 2:00 pm. We will have a guest speaker from Public Health talking about Covid & other communicable diseases and proper defense. The congregation is invited to join us. 

2. September-Closing  Devotions: Sandy Heine. Hostesses: Nancy Wohl & Sandy Heine. 

3. Trinity LWML will be taking on a mission project each quarter and would like to invite the congregation to assist us in this undertaking. It is a great way for us to work together to help those less fortunate than us! 

For the current quarter, we will be collecting items to complete Orphan Grain Train Christmas boxes. The lists will be available on the table with the list for the school bags. It is imperative that you stick to the list, as the boxes are usually opened by government officials at their destination & if they find anything not noted in the customs log  they will confiscate the shipment!  We will be doing this project through the end of September. Bring the items in a bag & we will get the boxes for shipping. 

FYI-for those of you who may not be familiar with Orphan Grain Train, they are primarily a volunteer organization. That means that over 95% of monies they collect go to the charities they serve & not for administrative costs which is not true of so many other organizations!

  Attention parents and grandparents! Trinity’s Sunday School will be resuming on Sunday, August 30th at 10:15 AM, right after Divine Service. Please encourage all those ages pre-K through high school to join us for studies on God’s love for them in Christ. The 30th will begin with ice cream and treats on the church lawn. If you would be willing to help out, that would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Melvina Dillman regarding any work you would be willing to do; a teachers meeting will take place soon. Thank you!