Tuesday, November 5, 2019

For What are You Thankful?

            Boy, we have so much to be thankful for in our lives. I’m thankful for a loving family, a supportive congregation, and modern medicine which has allowed me more time on this earth. I’m thankful for my fellow pastors in our church, who have helped me in many ways. I’m thankful for the little things in life, like how I can get a freshly made pizza almost any time (however, my cardiologist doesn’t want me to have those  anymore). I’m thankful that I live in a place that, despite its problems, some very serious, it’s still the best place to be in terms of security, opportunities, and freedom. And, of course, I’m so thankful for our Lord Jesus Christ. I’m sure that, if you put your mind to it, you could come up with a very long list, hopefully with our Lord Christ as the most important.

                Every Christian should place Jesus as the greatest blessing they have received. But, given that, what does it mean to be thankful for Him? That is, just what has Jesus done for me, and is doing for me that I should be thankful? The first thing that pops into our minds would likely be “He died for my sins.” Yes, Jesus took my sins to the cross; there He paid the just penalty for them, and they are buried in the tomb in which He lay until that first Easter morning. I know all that is true, and every Christian confesses this fact. But how does that get to me? That is, how do the benefits of Christ’s substitutionary atonement get to you and me, personally? As Lutherans we see that the Lord has deigned to use Word and Sacrament as the means to bring us to—and keep us in— the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude v.3). We see that spelled out week after week in our Divine Service.

Rev. Bill Cwirla, an LCMS pastor in southern California, writes, “The liturgy is the Word in action. It is the present and ongoing work of the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ, the crucified, risen, and reigning God-man, who lords his saving death and resurrection over the world. As Jesus once stood among his fearful locked-up disciples on the first day of the Resurrection to proclaim his peace and resent his wounds (Jn 20:20), so in the Liturgy, the same Jesus is now present with his church, an equally frightened and locked-up band of disciples, to proclaim his peace and show forth his wounds in his Word and in the Supper of his body and blood. Because the liturgy is the Word in action, the liturgy is properly called ‘Divine Service.’ The liturgy is God's leiturgia, his public service to his fallen creation through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Here the Father creates true worshipers who worship him in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:23-24). God's liturgy for the life of the world are the deeds and words of Jesus. Jesus' words are Spirit and life, for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (Jn 6:63b; 14:6). His words are cleansing words (Jn 15:3). With Jesus' words come the fruits of his once-for-all-atoning sacrifice on the cross. Calvary's gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation are offered, delivered, and applied personally to the sinner.”

This doesn’t mean that we must worship in a specific, prescribed manner—“Thou shalt use Divine Service 3”—but that a good liturgy emphasizes Jesus Christ and what He has done for us sinners; and what He continues to do for us in Word and Sacrament. Yes, Jesus suffered, died, and rose again some two thousand years ago—but He also comes to us here, so that we needn’t wander about in our feelings, hoping that we can find Jesus if we’re spiritual enough. No, He comes to His sheep, spiritually dead, and brings them life (Ephesians 2, Colossians 2). So that’s another thing to be thankful for: that Jesus is here in His Word. We have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10). In His holy Name, amen.

 Rev. Kenneth L. Humphrey

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

LCMS Stewardship Ministry

Newsletter Article – November 2019

St. Paul wrote to the Church of Christ in Corinth: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). God loves a cheerful giver. But who is a cheerful giver?

 Abel was. By faith, Abel gave the firstborn of his flock, and it was acceptable in God’s sight. Abraham was. By faith, Abraham prepared cakes and a tender choice calf for God and entertained angels unaware. So also were David and Solomon. By faith, David would not make a sacrifice to God that cost him nothing, so he paid Araunah his due. By faith, Solomon built a house for God, where his name would dwell and thereby where He would dwell to be Israel’s God and they His people.

 What more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of all those who gave not simply for the joy of giving but for the joy of knowing the One to whom they gave.

 So also our Lord, who for the joy set before Him, gave everything, yes, even His life, enduring the cross and scorning its shame. He gave to the shedding of His blood, willingly and resolutely setting His face toward Jerusalem to die for the life of the world. Though He was rich in every way, He became poor, so that by His poverty we might be rich beyond measure.

 So then, let us – like Abel and Abraham, like David and Solomon, and even like our Lord Jesus Christ – give cheerfully to God for the work of His kingdom in our midst. Like them, let us decide in our heart – for the joy set before us – the joy of knowing the One to whom we give is the One who gives us all good things.

Give back in thanksgiving and praise. 

October 17, 2019 Voter’s Meeting
The October Voter’s Meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Bowlin. Pastor Humphrey led an opening devotion. John Kammerzel asked to join the voting assembly and was approved unanimously.  The minutes of the July Voters’ Meeting were read and approved.
Treasure’s Report:  The Treasure’s report was read by Julie Alkire showing the following end of September balances:  General Fund $13,846.78; Maintenance $3,265.85 LCEF: $3,581.57. A motion was made by George Ross and seconded by Wes Bowlin to approve the Treasure’s Report, motion carried.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Humphrey reports that the Fall Pastors’ Conference took place October 7-9, with Rev. Dr. Scott Murray presenting on the 3rd use of the law. The CCS meeting took place on the opening morning of the conference. Pastor Humphrey reports that the replacement printer from Western Plains is in place and working well. While there was no upfront cost for the printer, it will cost 1.2cents/page for black and white printing and 12cents/page for color. Pastor Humphrey stated that Thursday Morning Bible Study and Confirmation Classes will resume when his cardiologist clears him for return to full time work. The Pine Ridge youth groups will meet every other month at Immanuel Lutheran in Alliance, and the Valley Youth Groups will continue to meet the second Sunday of each month. Pastor Humphrey notes that November 24th will be Thank Offering Sunday, and that Advent begins on December 1st, with services on the 4th, 11th, and 18th of December at 7PM.
Elders’ Report: Elmer Wohl states there is nothing to report at this time.
Trustee’s Report: Virgil Ritz reports that Rudy has cleaned out/winterized the sprinkler systems at the church and the parsonage. He also reports that the landscaping project has been completed. He is going to check with Curtis Reisig and his son on snow removal for the church this winter. Virgil also reports that Gering Valley Plumbing has cleaned the drain system out at the parsonage, and that furnace filters have been changed in the church.
Sunday School Report: Sunday school superintendent Melvina Dillman reports that there are currently 3 classes of students on Sundays. They are age 3-Kindergarten, being taught by Kylie Wilson and Roxanne, grades 1st-5th being taught by Zandee Hendren and Levi Bowlin, and 6th-12thgrades being taught by George Ross. Melvina reports attendance has varied but averages 3-4 students per class. She states that Karen Ritz has received a $250 Action Grant through Thrivent, which will go to the teachers to use in their classes. Melvina reports they are currently looking at doing a Christmas program but are still ironing out the details.  She also states that she, as well as a few other members of the church, have organized the storage room in the back of the church, and that they have found some items that they felt could be re-homed or disposed. These include a large room divider and some folding chairs. No objections were raised by the voting assembly.
Old Business:  Pastor Humprey reports that he spoke with Jeff Snyder, Business Manager for the Wyoming district, about recommendations on the Concordia Plan. Mr. Snyder recommends we stay with the current plan we are using. A motion was made by Virgil Ritz and seconded by Keith Kaufman that Trinity stay on the same Concordia Plan as we are currently on. The motion carried.
New Business: Chairman Don Bowlin asked the voting assembly to consider making a donation, in the name of Pastor Schnare, for his help guiding Trinity while Pastor Humphrey was on short-term medical leave, to either Immanuel Lutheran School, or the Lutheran Heritage Foundation. A motion was made by Melvina Dillman and seconded by Wes Bowlin that a $500 dollar donation be made to the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, and a $500 donation be made to Immanuel Lutheran School, both in the name of Pastor Schnare. The motion carried.

A motion by Elmer Wohl and seconded by George Ross was made to elect the following members for office in 2020:
Chairman: John Kammerzel
Elder: Don Bowlin
Trustees: Rudy Landreth and Gerald Ritz
Treasurer: Julie Alkire
Secretary:  John “Wes” Bowlin
Sunday School Superintendent: Melvina Dillman
Head Usher: Rudy Landreth
Finance Secretary: Susan Williams
Financial Board: Karen Ritz, Rudy Landreth, George Ross, Harlan Kurtz
The motion carried.
The 2020 Budget Proposal was given to the assembly by Treasurer Julie Alkire. A motion was made by Wes Bowlin and seconded by Melvina Dillman that we raise Pastor Humphrey’s salary to $45,000 per year. The motion carried. A motion was made by John Kammerzel and seconded by Rudy Landreth that we approve a budget of $116,175.00 for 2020 (See handout for itemized budget). The motion carried.
Pastor Humphrey recommended that the Voter’s Assembly approve the 2019 Synodical Constitutional Amendment. A motion was made by Karen Ritz and seconded by Rudy Landreth to approve said amendment. The motion carried.

With no further business to address, a motion was made by Virgil Ritz and seconded by Rudy Landreth to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Called to Order:  8:01 Adjourned: 9:21

John Bowlin

Thank Offering Sunday November 24th

Trinity Lutheran Women’s Society (LWML )
LWML will  meet on November 13.2019. at 7:00 pm
The agenda includes Bible Study, Business Meeting, planning a Soup Supper, and the Christmas Stocking Money Project.
All women of the congregation are invited and encouraged to join this wonderful organization.

Sunday School/ Youth Group News
   Check the Trinity Lutheran Sunday School Facebook Page for information and updates.  We very much appreciate the help and guidance of ZanDee Hendren to keep parents informed and involved in our Sunday School activities through the Facebook page.
   We now have three Sunday School classrooms:
Nursery:  Ages 3-Kindergarten---Sunday School teacher, Kylie Wilson
   Elementary:  Grades 1-5th,  Sunday School teacher---ZanDee Henren
   Youth:  6th-12th ---Youth Leader, George Ross

We may be little, but we are growing!

Attention Youth Group Members
Plan on joining George Ross here at Trinity, on November 16th at 5:00 PM for ”Passages, Prayer and Pizza”!  All youth ages 12-18 are invited and encouraged to enjoy this time of fellowship and study!   Bring a friend!!!

IF YOU WERE TO DIE TOMORROW, would your family know your wishes?  What matters to you?  If your child, age 19 or older, were in an accident, could you be legally involved in their care/decisions? 
It’s a simple question that has the ability to cause such a big impact on the quality of your or your loved one’s healthcare.
Talking about what type of care and treatment you want in case you can’t speak for yourself is not something one often thinks about. 
That’s why Chadron Community Hospital Advance Care Planning Team and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Chadron, is presenting ‘Five Wishes’.
The ‘Five Wishes’ and Advanced Directive program will provide a video presentation along with free legal documents with practical steps to make your wishes known and honored.  There will be a question and answer time with the complete program to last approximately 1 hour. Refreshments will be served.
Location: Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
     702 East 9th Street, Chadron, NE
Date:  November 10, 2019   Time:  2:30 p.m.
One of the most gut-wrenching moments a family may have to face is when a loved one is too sick to make their own life or death decisions. 
Completing ‘Five Wishes’ helps families avoid guessing and guilt, while giving their loved one the care he/she wants and deserves.  Everyone over 19 years of age can make their wishes known and honored. 


November 1                                        Mike Strauch                                                  Birthday
November 1                                        Addison Bowlin                                              Birthday
November 2                                         Courtney Haskins                                          Birthday
November 3                                        Nancy Wohl                                                    Birthday
November 3                                        Ryker Bowlin                                                  Baptismal Date
November 8                                        Michelle Hill                                                   Baptismal Date
November 12                                      Elmer Wohl                                                     Baptismal Date
November 12                                      Aimee Haskins                                                Baptismal Date
November 26                                      Kerrie (Siegel) Heimbouch                             Birthday
November 29                                      Peyton Wilson                                                Baptismal Date

If your name does not appear, it is because these were taken from Trinity’s calendar directory for which we have permission to use names and dates. Please notify the office to have a date added.