Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Brief Update from Pastor Humphrey

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ—

I thank God for all of your kind concern, offers of help, and—especially—your prayers as I recover from my heart condition. I also owe a sincere debt of gratitude to Pastor Schnare and all the pastors who have filled in for me in my absence, and all the support I’ve gotten at home from my family—I am blessed to have such help in the family of Christ Jesus. I understand that some people have questions about my condition and my returning to my duties at Trinity. First things first: at the beginning of May, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure—an echo cardiogram showed that my heart was pumping at about 20% efficiency, which is dangerously poor. Further tests showed that I hadn’t any significant arterial blockages nor had I had a heart attack, so my cardiologists determined that this was caused by a virus.

Now, there isn’t a “heart failure virus” floating around, it was just a nasty little bug that, to put it in very simplified terms, instead of turning left and giving me a cold, turned right and messed up my heart. This virus probably did its damage 18-24 months ago, and is long gone from my system. I’ve been on a series of heart medicines in an attempt to improve my heart function—my doctors say that they hope to get my heart efficiency above 50%; at that level they tell me that I can live a more-or-less normal life. For those wondering if I’ve had any heart troubles before, the short answer is “no.” About fifteen years ago, I was experiencing unexplained chest pain and, with a father who had died of heart disease and a mother who was dying of heart disease, my doctors were naturally very concerned. But, as it turns out, the pain was caused by esophageal muscle spasms brought on by acid reflux (and as a friend in California who is a pulmonary surgeon pointed out, “Ooh—that gives symptoms just like a cardiac episode!” I wish he was there in Seward when this was happening).

My cardiologist in Scottsbluff has asked me to get another echo cardiogram and, if he is happy with the results, will allow me to return to my duties when I see him next on August 21st. Now you may be wondering why I’m not back at Trinity already, since I’ve been able to attend services and do some things out and about. It’s largely an issue of continued strength; about six weeks ago, I would be tired after 30 minutes to an hour of any activity—even sitting down and talking—and would need to stop for the rest of the day. As things have improved, I’ve been able to do light things now for a few hours, then rest for an hour or so before taking up something else. Hopefully, once I am at the full dosage of my heart medicines, I will be able to work as I have in the past. I hope this information helps clarify things, but please feel free to ask me any questions you may have when you see me.

Christ’s blessings to you all—

Pastor Ken Humphrey

LCMS convention commends and expands mercy work in the Synod

Stacey Egger

TAMPA, Fla. — Floor Committee 3 on Mercy presented a variety of resolutions during the 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), all of which were passed by the voting delegates.                                                                  

Floor Committee Chairman Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy, president of the LCMS English District, addressed the delegates before the resolutions were presented, commending the mercy work of the Synod:

   “Mission work has been at the center of the LCMS from its beginning. We are known far and wide for our disaster response, and are growing in consistent presence at life marches across the country, which provide a visible and vocal witness as we defend life. There are congregations and districts reaching out to refugees and immigrants in our communities. As a Synod, we are focused on providing care and support for our church workers. Our chaplains and deaconesses serve in hospitals, prisons and homes for the aged, and care for the physically and mentally challenged.”

Disaster Response Several of the committee’s resolutions gave thanks for ongoing mercy work throughout the LCMS.

Resolution 3-01, “To Commend and Give Thanks for the Work of Synod regarding Disaster Response,” resolved to recognize the work of LCMS Disaster Response and its agencies and partners, including individual congregations and various organizations, “during the early response and long-term recovery process” following disasters. The resolution passed with 99.2 percent of the vote.

Life ministries  Resolution 3-02A, “To Commend Lutherans for Life and LCMS Life Ministries,” recognized LCMS Life Ministry and Lutherans For Life for their advocacy of the dignity of all life, “from conception to natural death, particularly mothers, unborn children, those who are physically and/or mentally challenged, those who are gravely ill, and those who are dying.” The resolution passed with 98 percent of the vote.

The resolution also included:

·         Condemnation of specific recent legislation (in New York, Illinois and Virginia) which allows for post-birth abortions, and commendation of other specific legislation (Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana and Georgia) which limits abortions;

·         Resolution to provide “Gospel love and care” for those “hurting from the guilt of the devastation of abortion or premature loss of life”;

·         Encouragement for each LCMS congregation to participate in life marches and events, and for each circuit to send at least one pastor, lay adult and youth representative to future LCMS Life Ministry conferences; and

·         Recommendation of the Eyes of Life resources from LCMS Life Ministry and resources from Lutherans for Life and the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty for congregations.

Pastoral care for mental illness  After some discussion, Res. 3-04A, “To Encourage Training of Our Pastors, Church Workers and Congregations to Recognize and Provide Pastoral Care for Those Suffering from Clinical Depression, Mental Illnesses, and Other Mental Disorders,” passed with 84.1 percent of the vote.

Discussion among the delegates surrounded the terminology used in the resolves. The committee agreed to replace all references of “mental health” in the resolves (e.g., “that our seminaries … continue to strive for improved training in mental health and wellness”) with the words “mental illness.” This change reflected a desire to clarify and strengthen the intent of the resolution to encourage education and awareness about the affliction of mental illnesses, not just the characteristics of mental health.

Among the points of the resolution as adopted are:

·         Encouragement for seminaries, universities and LCMS Recognized Service Organizations to “continue to strive for improved training in mental illness and wellness for those studying to be pastors and church workers,” and to provide continuing-education opportunities and resources on these topics; and

·         Encouragement to pastors, church workers and congregations “to actively advocate” for mental wellness in their congregations, and to minister to those in need “through prayer, private confession and absolution, and the means of grace.”

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

LCMS Stewardship Ministry

Newsletter Article – August 2019

Have you ever noticed the subtle ceremony of receiving the offerings during the Divine Service? The offerings are collected in plates or baskets, and they are brought forward and given to the pastor or an assistant. The pastor turns toward the altar, and, as he slightly bows his head, the offerings are raised slightly to the Lord and placed on the altar or an adjacent table.

Why do we have this ceremony? And what does it teach us? For that is what ceremony does – it teaches, as the Augsburg Confession tells us what we need to know about Christ (AC XXIV, 1–3).

Originally, this ceremony included more than simply bringing forward what was collected in the offering plates. The elements for the Holy Communion – the bread and the wine – were brought forward with the offerings. The offerings and elements were lifted toward the Lord and placed upon the altar. The altar, now made a table, would be set for the Lord’s Supper.

Gifts brought to the altar come from the sweat of His people’s brow. They are the bread and wine, the fruits of His people’s labor in this fallen world. After six days of labor and toil, the people are to bring a generous proportion for the Lord’s work. Gifts set upon the altar are offered to the Lord for Him to take up and press into service for His gracious work.

For what is offered to the Lord from the sweat of His people’s brow – the bread of anxious toil – comes back to us as the bread of life. The bread comes down from heaven that whoever eats this bread and drinks this cup will receive life through the forgiveness of their sins.

This is not unlike what the Lord did for His people in the Old Testament:

“You shall tithe all the yield of your seed that comes from the field year by year. And before the Lord your God, in the place that he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the tithe of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, when the Lord your God blesses you, because the place is too far from you, which the Lord your God chooses, to set his name there, then you shall turn it into money and bind up the money in your hand and go to the place that the Lord your God chooses and spend the money for whatever you desire – oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household.” (Deut. 14:22-26)

What a blessing! God provides for us in all things. He provides bread from the sweat of our brows. He receives this from us in the first-fruits offerings we give to Him in thanksgiving and praise, and He turns these into spiritual bread. He gives this heavenly bread – the bread of eternal life – back to us so we might have joy.

So, the next time you are in the Divine Service, watch this ceremony in wonder. The offerings we have given to Him, the Lord gives back to us in His supper so that we may rejoice in the salvation He won for us upon the cross.

Pastor Todd Kolbaum

STRONG FAITH, FERVENT LOVE Rejoice and Give Thanks! “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:16–18). watch TV for a bit, peruse Facebook for a few clicks or check the news: it doesn’t take long to see just how much outrage there is in our world today. Everybody seems to be outraged about one thing or another, and to insist that you be just as outraged as they are! And yet, we often have little outrage for those things that are truly outrageous, and apathy for those things that should really get us going. This isn’t much of a surprise. We are all sinful humans, and, as Paul says, we do what we shouldn’t and don’t do what we should. That’s a reality, but not an excuse. The Lord calls us to something different, higher, better. We are reminded in His Word that Jesus has promised, “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). In a world which is constantly proving that the wisdom of man is folly and brings us to ruin, what joy this message is! Christ is with us! He is with us, reigning over His Church, feeding, forgiving, strengthening and sending His people according to His purpose. We have the joyous opportunity to bear witness to this One who gives life, through the faithful witness of His message of love in preaching and teaching, at the altar, in our homes, in our work, or in whatever way He has called us to do so. So, let us remember what Paul says in his letter to the church in Thessalonica, that we can pray fervently to the Lord of the Church, rejoicing and giving thanks in all circumstances for those things that God wills for us in our Savior Jesus Christ. Pastor Todd Kollbaum
July Quarterly Voter’s Meeting
July 25, 2019

The July Voter’s Meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Bowlin, with Pastor Firminhac  leading an opening devotion and prayer.  The minutes of the April Voter’s meeting were read and approved, as were the minutes for the Special Voter’s meeting on June 16, 2019. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Don Bowlin, showing the following end of June  2019 Balances:  General Fund $6287.27; Maintenance and Repairs: $3556.28; LCEF $3569.62.  A motion was made to approve the Treasure’s Report by Rudy Landreth and seconded by Gerald Ritz, the motion carried. Following a question from Melvina Dillman regarding the disbursement of Thrivent Funds, Gerald Ritz explained that 80% of funds go to the General Fund Account and 20% go to Maintenance and Repairs. It was discussed that it may be beneficial to have this displayed in the Treasure’s Report as a separate line item as well, though no formal motion was made.
Pastors Report: Pastor Firminhac reports the Synodical Convention is currently under way, and should conclude in the next 1-2 days. He reports that Pastor Harrison was elected Synod President. He also reports that at the recent Pastor’s Convention, the issue of 6 day creation was discussed and a resolution was passed stating that the LCMS holds to the Biblical understanding that creation of the universe was completed in 6 days.
Elders’ Report: Elmer Wohl reports that Heidi Trauernicht has requested a transfer into Trinity Lutheran from St. John’s . A motion was made by Elmer and Seconded by Rudy to accept Heidi via transfer. Motion carried.  Keith Kaufman reported that the new Concordia plans have been sent to the congregation and that Trinity will need to decide which plan will be chosen by September 6, 2019. Pastor Firminhac stated that he has not heard any district guidelines for the 2020 Concordia plans yet. It was decided to wait for additional information on cost and district recommendation before voting on any plans.
Trustees’ Report:  Virgil Ritz reports that 2 loads of rock for the parking lot were delivered by James Bowlin, and spread. He reports there was a water leak in the basement of the Parsonage, and plumbers were called to address the leak. They were able to fix/replace the toilet and leaking plumbing. He also reports that the sprinklers at the parsonage and church have been fixed multiple times, and thanked Rudy Landreth for doing those repairs. Virgil reports that it appears the insurance cost for the Church has actually decreased from the previous quote. Virgil and Melvina reported that the landscaping project has not started yet, but they are hoping it will start in the next 1-2 weeks. Virgil reports he has spoken with the Hopkin’s about the ceiling in the fellowship area and that they have told him they haven’t forgotten about it but have been too busy to address it so far.
Sunday School Superintendent: Melvina reports she has ordered 4 new workbooks for the preschool aged students.
New Business:  Chairman Don Bowlin reports he is forming a nominating committee for 2020 Church Officers. He reports Levi Bowlin will chair the committee and Rudy Landreth and George Ross will be the other two members of the committee. Chairman Bowlin also reports that August marks the 10th Anniversary of Pastor Humphrey at Trinity Lutheran. A motion was made by Virgil Ritz and seconded by Rudy Landreth to raise the Church Secretary’s (Julie Alkire) hourly wage starting on August 1, 2019. The motion carried.
There being no further business to address, a motion to adjourn was made by Karen Ritz, and seconded by Pastor Ken Humphrey. Motion Carried.
Call to Order: 8:03  Adjourned: 8:45

John Bowlin

LWML NEWS Trinity Lutheran Women’s Society LWML Minutes
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Trinity Lutheran Women’s Society met Wednesday, May 8, 2019. Sandy Heine led a Bible study from the LWML Quarterly entitled “God’s Time.”

The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Heine in the name of the Triune God with 9 members present.  Minutes from the May 10, 2019 meeting were read and approved as presented.  The Treasurer’s Report was read with a society balance of $1,104.78 and Morrill Elementary Backpack Program $2,673.57.  The Treasurers report was filed for audit. 
A bill for $23.86 for donuts was presented by Sandy.
Committee Reports:
It was noted that the balance on Karen Ritz’ Thrivent card used for Member Welcome gifts would be given to Joanne for Kitchen Supplies.
There are several School bags to fill for Lutheran World Relief.  We will put a list of needed items in each bag and invite the congregation to participate in filling the bags.
Received information from Orphan Grain Train on flood relief efforts. It was moved by Susan Williams and seconded by Lisa Kaufman to send $100 to Orphan Grain Train for flood relief. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
It was reported that the Father’s Day Brunch went great and was well attended.
Lisa Kaufman reported on the National Convention held recently in Mobile Alabama with 3000+ attendees.  Grants for the next biennium totaled $2.1 million.  She said they provided an update on grants award in the last biennium. Lisa said that was very interesting.  Lisa also noted the services and entertainment were very good and very uplifting. 
New Business: 
The planning committee reported that they are planning a potato bake in September for area LWML’s.  It will be Sunday 8th or 15th at 3:30 or 4:00pm. Sandy will try to get Lisa Peden with Doves to speak.  This will also serve as our September meeting. 
October 6, 2019 is LWML Sunday. Sandy will visit with Julie Alkire about ordering the service brochures. Fall Rally will also be that day at 1:30 in Alliance.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned with the League Pledge and the common Table Prayer.
Closing Devotions:
Nancy Wohl provided closing devotions entitled The Cup That Talked.
The next LWML meeting will be Sunday, September  15th, 2019 at 4:00 PM.
Yours in Christ,
 Susan Williams, Secretary


                                       August 1           Bruce and Debra Schneider           Anniversary

                                      August 2           Harlan Kurtz                                  Baptismal date

                                      August 12         Don and Barb Bowlin                     Anniversary

                                      August 17         Karrissa Bowlin                              Birthday

                                      August 19         Gary and Susan Williams               Anniversary

                                      August 19         ZanDee Hendren                             Birthday

                                      August 21         Leo Jayne                                        Birthday

                                      August 24         Amanda Landreth                           Birthday

                                      August 24         Rudy & Patty Landreth                  Anniversary

                                      August 28         Kenny and ZanDee Hendren          Anniversary

                                      August 28         Ryker Bowlin                                 Birthday

If your name does not appear, it is because these were taken from Trinity’s calendar directory for which we have permission to use names and dates.

Please notify the office to have a date added.

August 9th marks the 10 year anniversary of Pastor Humphrey’s installation as Pastor of Trinity.  What a blessing Pastor and family have been to our church!!!

Pastor Schnare continues to coordinate ministerial needs for Trinity while Pastor Humphrey is recovering. Should a need arise he can be reached at 308- 760-7849, if no answer, please leave a message.

August Usher Schedule

4   Burke Schneider, R Kaufman, D Bowlin, R Landreth

11   Rudy and the Elders

18    B Allen, G Ross, L Jayne, R Kaufman

25    Rudy and the Elders

August Pastor Schedule

4    Pastor Temme

11    Pastor Schnare

18    Pastor Temme
                                                           25    Pastor Temme