Thursday, November 9, 2017

November 2017 Newsletter

An Update on St. James

Dear Saints at Trinity: I wanted to bring you up to date on the situation with St. James and their request to enter into a dual parish arrangement with us. As you all know, our quarterly voters meeting was held on October 18th, where the issue was brought up. After much discussion on the pros and cons of formally requesting to learn more about the process of forming a dual parish, a motion was made to do so. This motion was defeated—so now, as good Lutherans, you might be asking “What does this mean?” As far as Trinity is concerned, the matter is closed and St. James is free to pursue other opportunities; for example, seeking out a dual parish with another congregation, calling a bi-vocational pastor (worker/priest), seeking another part-time, retired pastor, or even voting to close. The Wyoming District will be helping St. James in any way requested to help our brothers and sisters reach a sound and God-pleasing decision as they meet again soon to discuss matters. Please keep the saints at St. James, many of whom are well-known to us personally, in your prayers. Pray that God would direct and guide them so that all that is said and done brings glory to our Lord, and that they would keep in mind that “Built on the Rock the Church shall stand Even when steeples are falling” (LSB 645).
If you were not at this voters meeting, perhaps you might be wondering why the assembly voted as it did. Simply put, the consensus was that entering into a dual parish with St. James was not something we wanted to pursue at this time. Rather than enter into a learning process that was still going to lead to declining the offer, we felt it best to let our brothers and sisters in Christ know as soon as possible. To be blunt, we didn’t want to be wasting their time; time that could be better spent examining other options available to them.
Of course, this problem of declining attendance is not something unique to the LCMS or the Wyoming District or our area. Trinity may be faced the same questions that St. James is several years down the road. This is simply a reflection of the depopulating of rural America, fewer children born to families, and a society that no longer puts much value on church attendance. There isn’t a lot we can do about people moving to the Front Range or Omaha for jobs—in fact, I can’t really blame them—nor that people are having fewer children now than in times past—although you can encourage your married children to have children of their own. As the Psalmist wrote, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate” (Psalm 127:3-5).

But we can, beloved saints, give a reason for the hope that lies within us, as St. Peter wrote (I Peter 3:15). The “veneer” of Christianity has been pretty effectively stripped from America, and we are now in a time that many scholars have called “post-Christian.” Well, it isn’t too surprising that people who aren’t Christian don’t live by a Christian ethic. Therefore, give a reason as to why you believe what you believe to those around you, and invite those the Lord brings into your life to come and hear the Word proclaimed. The Lord builds His Church, but He uses means to create and sustain our faith—this doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and so if people never hear the Word, how will they come to faith? Invite your friends and neighbors; invite those whom you might not socialize with normally; invite the lonely and the gregarious; invite the rich and the poor; invite black and white, yellow and brown, young and old—whomever they may be. May our gracious Lord use us mightily to expand His Kingdom on earth! 

October Voters Meeting Minutes
Trinity’s Quarterly Voters meeting was held on Thursday, October 19th at 8 PM . Don Bowlin called the meeting to order and Pastor gave the opening devotion.  The minutes of the July Voter’s Meeting were read and approved. Elders Report: Julie Alkire’s transfer was approved. Trustees Report: Virgil Ritz stated he will be setting up a work day to trim trees and bushes, at the parsonage, as well as looking for any other potential problems. Sunday School report was presented by Pastor, there are 2 teachers with 6-10 kids. In new business it was moved by Wes Bowlin and seconded by Levi Bowlin to nominate Marvin Temme to be the Pine Ridge Circuit Visitor. There were no volunteers to be the lay delegate to the Circuit Forum, so Don Bowlin has agreed to serve Election of officers for 2018 are as follows:
Chairman: Don Bowlin, Treasurer Harlan Kurtz, Secretary: Gerald Ritz.  Elder (3 year term) Levi Bowlin, Trustee (3 year term) Gary Williams, SS Superintendent: Roxane Humphrey, Financial Secretary: Susan Williams, and Head Usher: Rudy Landreth. By ballot vote Karen Ritz, Jon Warneke, and Elmer Wohl were elected to the finance board. Motion was made by Pastor and seconded by Wes Bowlin to nominate for District office the following: President: Rev. John Hill first choice, with Rev. Richard Neugebauer being second choice. For First Vice President the choices were Rev. Richard Neugebauer: first choice and Rev. John Hill second choice. With no other business to discuss the meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Trinity Women’s Society LWML will meet November 8 at 7pm at the church.   Pastor Humphrey will lead the bible study.   We will have election of officers, make plans for the Advent Soup Supper December 13; and select items for our Christmas mission gifts and Christmas stocking.   We will also send Christmas cards to our Veterans and all service members.   It’s Snack Night and members are reminded to bring a favorite snack to enjoy.   All women of the congregation are invited and welcome to attend. A special thanks to Virginia for displaying the LWML banners in the sanctuary for the month of October. 


November 1    Mike Strauch           Birthday
November 1    Addison Bowlin       Birthday           
November 3    Nancy Wohl             Birthday
November 8    Michelle Hill            Baptismal Date
November 11  Armeda Freel           Birthday
November 12  Elmer Wohl              Baptismal Date